Everyone knows of someone who has met someone online.
This story begins in much the same way...
Speaking for both of us, meeting in person was the true beginning.
Plans were made and airline tickets purchased and On the 4th of june,1998 the saga began
His perspective:
I set out for Hong Kong After quite some hours I finally arrived at the famous
Kai Tak Airport.
It would be some time until we could meet so I waited in Maxims cafe
for her arrival. Before this time she had been the only one to see the others picture.
So I waited with great anticipation to see who it was I had spent so many hours chatting with.
This was not my first time in Hong Kong, but it would definately be a very significant return.
Then as I looked out of the restaurant, someone approached. An elegant businesswoman
with a look of determination..something inside told me this is her. I began to gather my things
and we greeted each other..I was in awe. So this is who I had become so interested in.
We hugged and then I collected my bags and we set out to find a taxi.
Her perspective:
I kept checking to see if the flight had arrived. Then I received his phone
call from Kai Tak airport at about five something p.m.. Before I thought he
was just kidding to me about coming to Hong Kong. "Now he is here. What
would happen?" I asked myself. I got held by the work and rain. I finally
arrived. I just went to the airport as I promised. I would not know that
this guy would be my fiance. I walked straight to Maxim's located at the
other end of the airport. I could point him out almost at once. I
did not know what to say. Just let him follow me to the taxi stop. Wow
he was so tall for me, taller than I expected. It was like a dream. I kept
asking myself why he made this effort to fly all the way to me. He handed me a
stuffed kitten at my place. I almost forgot that was the nick name he
called me.